Live captioning available this year
Published on 8th Oct 2016 by Ola Sitarska
We're stoked to share more awesomeness with you. This year for the first time we will be offering live captioning of all Django: Under The Hood talks!
This means that while speakers are on the stage giving their talks, some of the screens in the venue will show a simultaneous speech-to-text transcription, which will also be used for subtitling the conference videos that are subsequently published.
We're also very excited to work with Sheryll Holley and Hilary Maclean, the amazing duo well-known to those attending DjangoCon Europe 2015 and 2016. Watch Sheryll's lightning talk from DjangoCon Europe this year, starting at 12:50.
Live captioning is one of the ways we're making the conference more accessible and inclusive for everyone. This not only allows people who are hard of hearing to fully participate in the event, but also helps everyone else to better understand the content of the talks.